People look for legal help mainly on the internet. How to build a website that turns them into your clients
9 minutes
The process of finding a lawyer or law firm is happening more and more online with each passing year. Today, almost 80% of new clients use the internet to find legal help. What exactly do they consider when making their choice? What should a contemporary professional legal website look like? And what about the trend of an informal online presence?
The work of good law firms and law firms or busy legal "freelancers" has always worked on the principle of personal recommendations. Case after case, and reputation was spread by word of mouth. This is partly how many firms operate today, but with the advent of the internet, an important variable was added to the process of choosing a lawyer - searching for information online. After all, today's Internet users like to have choices. They generally subject the recommended contacts they have gathered through friends and acquaintances to a thorough online research, looking for both practical information (where the firm is located, its contacts or focus) and information from other sources - experience and reviews, mentions of the firm on social media, etc. An important clue in this search is, of course, the website. It will give potential clients an accurate picture of who they are entrusting their case to.
Remote consulting attracts clients
Which current statistics about the process of finding legal help online should be of interest to all current businesses? A big difference has been made in recent years (mainly due to the pandemic, of course) when it comes to remote advice. Indeed, 79% of clients now prefer the remote advice option compared to 23% in 2018. This shift is mainly due to evolving habits - during the first waves of the pandemic, we have become quite used to working remotely effectively and have largely managed to overcome the crisis of confidence in services offered and performed online. At the same time, we have all realised that we don't have to compromise just because the ideal solution - perhaps in the form of a great law firm - is too far away. As a result, today 39% of potential clients are persuaded to choose a lawyer because they offer online booking of appointments and consultations.
39% of potential clients are persuaded to choose a lawyer today because they offer online booking of appointments and consultations.
49% of potential clients are persuaded to choose a lawyer by positive online reviews.
Finding a lawyer is a process that is also specific in its length. 78% of people spend more than one day researching. It is therefore quite normal that a large proportion of visitors leave a lawyer's website without filling in the contact form. This is a great opportunity for retargeting ads that remind potential clients of the firm's existence and offer personalized content that might interest them and help them with their problem.

6 quick steps to get fast results
We've tried to give context to the process of finding a lawyer online, so let's talk about what specific steps any lawyer who wants to take their website to the next level can take:
1. Don't be afraid of reviews. There is often a fear in legal circles that disclosure of reviews will compromise confidentiality and the client relationship. However, it does not have to be that way. There is no need to go into the details of individual cases; each visitor is more interested in more general information, such as how the communication with the lawyer was, whether everything was always clear enough for the client, transparent, etc. In the legal world there are also a number of prestigious awards, which would also be a shame not to boast about on the website.
2. Clearly communicate your focus. Law has a number of different specialisations. Make it clear what you do specifically, introduce the area and the colleagues in the team who work in it. You'll save yourself a lot of introductory explanation.
3. Tame the occupational disease within you. In law, it is often important to explain everything in detail, describing it precisely enough to leave no room for misinterpretation or ambiguity. This is not the case with the web. Don't overwhelm your website with unnecessary text, simplify and try to be as concise and to the point as possible. Clients will appreciate it if your website is clear and easy to understand.
4. You don't have to be casual, but don't be boring. When looking for a lawyer, we want expertise, professionalism, class and credibility. These are qualities that are often communicated in a formal manner. There is no need to compromise on tone of communication or style of dress. However, it is important to relate to the times in which you are offering your services. Your website should therefore be clear, simple and, above all, functional.
5. Details matter. Don't forget all the legally required things that a website must meet - the right cookie bar, accuracy of terms and conditions, etc. When you show that you can handle these issues playfully and take care to handle them, it is an indicator to the client that you are the right person/company for the job.
6. A clear goal. It's important to remember what you want to achieve as a result. A clear conversion element in the form of a contact form, a button linking to an email or an embedded appointment booking tool should not be missing from your website and all content should lead the visitor to it.
What could it look like?
One example of a great contemporary legal website is the website of the law firm Bříza & Trubač. Its strength lies mainly in its detailed structure, thanks to which the individual pages are not overwhelmed with repetitive information, but are instead well interconnected. The imaginative visuals are very fresh, but at the same time serious enough. The relaxed photos of the likeable team are an excellent bonus.

The strength of Sedlakova Legal's website is its very contemporary design, the organization of all the information presented and the excellent work with references. Every visitor looking for legal assistance will be pleased with the presence and design of a subpage with frequently asked questions.

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Social proof counts
Finding a good lawyer is not inherently the same process as finding a good shampoo. But the two cases do have something in common. Namely, in both of these situations, users like to search for and read other users' reviews. Dealing with a legal case can often be quite an intense experience, with details leading to client satisfaction. If clients come away from working with a lawyer satisfied, they are happy to share their experience with other users. And they really listen to the reviews. In fact, 49% of potential clients are persuaded to choose a lawyer by positive online reviews.