Let your site never get old
We are constantly working to develop the entire solidpixels platform. Every three months we release a new version that brings a number of new features, improvements and bug fixes. Ideally for us and for you, we can deploy these updates automatically.
Automatic vs. manual
The moment your site contains custom modifications and features, you cannot run automatic upgrades. Therefore, all ambassador sites were previously switched to manual upgrades, which we performed on a case-by-case basis.
Currently, all ambassador sites are set to automatic upgrade mode by default. You can easily disable upgrades in the settings of each site in your ambassador console.

When to set manual updates?
In general, any changes to code, including HTML, CSS and JS, can be risky for updates. This is because we cannot guarantee that conflicts between your code and our updates will not occur in the future.
For which customizations do I set up manual updates?
Embed an HTML code block - which contains custom HTML code, CSS stylesheets or javascript.
CSS editing - creating custom styles in the CMS editor, where the individual compotent is reinterpreted.
JS editing - creating custom javascript in the CMS editor
Custom modifications - custom modifications made by us on order
You have to judge for yourself how big and critical your changes are. For example, changing the style of a single element as part of an update will pose less risk than major changes to the look and feel or linking custom javascript to our source code, which may vary between versions.
Let's go!