
The Space Block

The Space Block

The Space block is a very simple block. It is an empty space, which you can use as a spacer for images, paragraphs etc.

The Divider Block

The Divider Block

The Divider block can be used to insert a simple line, which can serve to divide the content.

The Social Icons Block

The Social Icons Block

Social icons serve as links to your social media. The block also includes the icons of each network and a better visual appearance.

The Quote Block

The Quote Block

The Quote block is used to cite people on the website in a friendly visual form.

The Button Block

The Button Block

The Button Block serves as a link. Compared to simple text highlighting, it offers more options and a better graphical setting.

The Form Block

The Form Block

This block allows you to create forms, which can be easily adjusted according to their desired function.

The Code Block

The Code Block

The Code block allows you to insert third party code to your website. Thanks to it, you can create for example calendars, tables, pop-up windows etc.

The Newsletter Block

The Newsletter Block

The Newsletter block allows you to collect the email addresses of visitors who are interested in subscribing to the newsletter about your service or product.

The Social Media Block

The Social Media Block

Thanks to the Social media block you can display posts from your Facebook, Twitter or Instagram on your website.

The Price List Block

The Price List Block

The Price List Block serves as a way to insert items, their description and price to the website.

The Box Block

The Box Block

The Box Block is a way to visually differentiate the content.

The Share Buttons Block

The Share Buttons Block

The Share Buttons Block will create three share links on the page. Thanks to them, the visitors can share the website on their social media.