
2 minutes

A domain, or domain name, is a unique address that takes you to a specific website on the Internet. While a website name serves as a brand identifier in a browser or search results, a domain is a technical identifier that drives Internet traffic to the correct server and website. In a URL, the domain is found after the HTTP or HTTPS protocol and before the extension (e.g., .com, .cz).

A domain consists of two main parts - the name and the server that hosts it. The domain is linked to an IP address (a unique number that connects a device to the Internet) and redirects to the server that hosts the site.

When you type the name of the site into your browser, it sends a request to a global network of Domain Name System (DNS) servers. These servers return the IP address of the site, allowing visitors to access the site. Each domain name is unique - one site cannot use a domain that is already occupied by another.

Domains make it easy for visitors to access a website by using a memorable name, rather than having to enter a complex IP address that is difficult to remember.

Read the article how you can easily link a website to your own domain on solidpixels.