In the previous episode dedicated tomeasurement, we showed how data collection and use can benefit us, and Michal Pařízek, a specialist in improving website conversion paths, advised us on how best to get started with analytical tools. In this part, we'll talk about how to use social networks properly for online business.
With its huge user base, social networks are a place for businesses to build a loyal community with which they can have a direct dialogue about their product. They are an excellent tool for both attracting new customers and nurturing those who have already purchased from the company/business in the past. In the beginning, you need to choose which social networks are best suited for your type of business. Facebook is a platform where you can find almost any target group (including yours), others have their own specifics when it comes to audience. You need to constantly keep in mind that social networks need to be "fed" with quality, authentic content that will be of value to those watching.
Each of the social networks has specific tools for advertising. In the case of Facebook, this is Business Manager. There you can create and sponsor different types of content and target them to specific users. You can also use Facebook or Instagram store to sell products, relatively new sections through which you can sell your products directly in the environment of these social networks. Posts that include a product detail created directly on Facebook will be given priority by the algorithm and are likely to have a higher potential reach than posts with a product link on your website. However, the purchase itself is always completed on your website.

Social media expert and co-founder of Vodka on the rocks Albina Matusevych shares with you the basic rules you should follow when starting out with social media:
How to promote your business on social media
Prepare a strategy. Set themes, goals and plan. Your social media presence should go hand-in-hand with your overall company strategy, not take on a life of its own.
Know your target audience. What topics are your customers interested in? Where are they and what are they doing? Ask questions, engage in dialogue and build community. Also think about how the crisis has affected their lives.
Evoke emotions. Describe benefits, not features. The customer is not interested in you, but in what you can do for them.
Don't tire or overwhelm. Avoid texts that are too long and too boring; people go to networking sites to be entertained or to find out what's new.
Make it visual. Forget photo banks and show real and actual photos, even if they are not perfect at first. Find your own style, the most important thing is that your customers can distinguish you from your competitors at a glance.
Take advice. Maybe you can devote your time to something else and it will be more profitable for you to hire a pro for networking. You don't have to be on your own for everything.
Don't just worry about your image on social media. Remember that marketing in any form is only a reflection of your actual product, not a substitute for it. Always put your best effort into making your product or service the best it can be.
Do you have a project planned that you don't dare to do yourself? Then get in touch, we'd love to help you turn your entrepreneurial dreams into a digital reality.