The Slider Block serves as a way to insert a group of images, which will be automatically or manually shifting in one row. It is an alternative to The Gallery block in the case you don’t wish to display all the images at once.

How to create a slider
After dragging the block to the page, the settings are opened by clicking the block. The “Choose images” option will lead you to the gallery of all the files uploaded to the website, from which you can choose the images you want to display.

After adding the chosen images you can edit each image by clicking the pencil icon in the bottom right corner of every image preview. There is an option to add a description, alternative description or a link, to which the page will redirect when clicking the image. You can read more about how links work and where they can lead in this article. The image can be removed from the slider by clicking the trash can icon.

Slider appearance
When using sliders, there is an option to change the aspect ratio of the images. The slider can also be stretched to the width of the website and you can also choose the number of images per slide.
More images per slide
If you want to display more images per slide, there is an option to choose the number of images and the size of spaces between them. You can also center the active image and choose if the images will be shifting one by one or in groups.

Important: For the slider to work properly, set the number of images per slide up to the number of images you selected for the slider, not more.
Slider functions
Slides can be moved automatically or manually. These two functions don’t exclude each other and can be used at the same time. You can also set the alignment of descriptions of every image.
Manual shifting
There are three types of controls for manual shifting. The first option works by holding and dragging the slide and it is always active. Free shift makes the images not fixed to their position and allows you to move them freely, similar to scrolling. The second option displays two buttons, Previous and Next, which will appear in the form of arrows on either side of the slide. The last type of movement works through a navigation, which is displayed below the slider as a number of dots representing each slide.
Automatic shifting
If you choose the automatic shifting, you can change the interval and speed of transition. Infinite loop will make sure that once the slider reaches the end, it will start from the beginning again.

In the advanced settings, the ID can be very useful to you. It is used to create a link using an anchor. You can learn more about setting up and using anchors in this article. Next, there is an option to Use source images. Toggle this option on, if you want the image to be uploaded without any resizing done according to the website’s responsiveness, which is otherwise automatic. Additional information about automatic generation of responsive images is in this article.