Redirects (301 redirects) are used to take users and search engines from URLs that no longer exist to new URLs so that they don't get a 404 error page.
Setting up a redirect is especially useful when starting a new website, deleting a page, changing the url of a page or even a blog article.
How to set up redirection
To redirect, you need to create a list of old URLs and map them to the new URLs. In the main navigation, select Settings and then the Redirect section.
- Original url - the original site address
- New url - the new address where the user should be redirected
- HTTP code - the so-called HTTP status code:
- 300 - Multiple Choices: the requested content is in multiple places, you need to specify the request
- 301 - Moved permanently: to permanently move current and future content to another address
- 302 - Moved temporarily: temporary moving of content to another address (e.g. seasonal offers)
- 303 - See Other: the requested content can be found at another address
- 307 - Temporary Redirect: temporarily moves the page to another address
Both the original and the new address must contain "https://www" at the beginning, even if the original site ran only on http or without www at the beginning of the domain.
The redirect must point to a non-existent address that will display a 404 error page.
Example of redirection
If you want to redirect a user from an old address, e.g. http://www., to a new address , Fill in the form as follows:
Original url:
New url:
HTTP code: "code- 301"
The redirect url can contain the following characters [0-9a-zA-Z_./-?=]. These are numbers, letters, underscore (_), period (.), slash (/), hyphen (-), question mark (?), equals (=). Other special characters are not supported.
Import redirection
If you need to set up multiple redirects at once, you can use the XLSX table import.
- Have at least one active redirect created in the "Redirects" database.
- In the upper right corner above the table, select "Bulk Actions" and select"Export".
- In the exported column selection menu, leave the default selection and confirm with the "Export" button.
- An export-cms_redirects.xlsx file will be downloaded to your computer containing the individual columns and now you just need to add your redirects as new rows
- Fill in the following columns: " New URL", "Original URL" and "HTTP Code" (the correct value for the redirect is 301). The values of the other columns will be filled in automatically during the import.
- To import, select "Bulk Actions" -> "Import" to upload the file to the table.
- In the last step, confirm the import via the "Perform Import" button.

Domain-wide redirection
Redirection can also be set at the domain or subdomain level. This redirection is performed first, followed by a redirection within the target domain.
For example: to the new address
Redirection at the domain level ->
Redirection within the new domain (domain level redirection has already taken place) ->
We recommend that you resolve the redirection between domains directly with your domain registrar. This way you will always be in full control of any further changes.
Another option is to set up inter-domain redirection with us. Here, the important condition is that the source domain must be redirected to our server. We perform this setup as a custom modification.
Please contact us if necessary.