The Pages tab is used to work with the structure of the website and pages.
Adding a new page
You manage individual pages in the Pages tab. Each page of your site falls into one of these groups:
- main navigation: the pages that appear in the menu,
- others: all other pages that don't appear in the menu, but still have a role on the website,
- system pages, such as a 404 error page or an order confirmation page.
To create a new page:
- in the administration, go to the Pages tab,
- click the plus icon next to Main Navigation or Others, depending on which group you want to add the page to, select the item type:
- Page: a new blank page will be created,
- Link: allows you to add a link to any URL,
- Anchor: for linking to a specific place on the page,
- Blog: prepares a new page with a list of articles,
- Events: prepares a new page with a list of events,
- fill in its name and click on the check icon (or press Enter) to save.
After creating the page, you can freely drag it from one group to another. You can create a page in the Others group and move it to the menu when it is ready to publish.
Changing the order of pages
You can change the order of the pages as you wish or place them elsewhere - for example in the main navigation or outside the structure. Simply drag the selected item to the desired location.
Adding a conversion button to the menu
You can include a graphically differentiated conversion action, such as a reservation or product order, in the main navigation:
- in the administration, go to the Pages tab,
- hover over the item you want to mark as a conversion,
- click the gear icon to go to the settings,
- turn on the Display as CTA button option.
Changing the page name
You can change the name of the page that appears in the administration and website navigation at any time:
- in the administration, go to the Pages tab,
- hover over the item you want to edit and click the gear icon,
- in the window that opens, change its name,
- save the changes.
Setting the page as a homepage
To set a page as your homepage:
- in the administration, go to the Pages tab,
- hover over the item you want to set as homepage and click the gear icon,
- in the window that will open, click the Set as homepage button.
Copying pages
To create a page with a layout of elements similar to what you use elsewhere, you can create a new page by duplicating:
- in the administration, go to the Pages tab,
- hover over the item you want to duplicate,
- click the gear icon,
- select Clone in the bottom left corner of the window.
Deleting a page
To delete a page:
- in the administration, go to the Pages tab,
- hover over the item you want to delete,
- click the trash can icon and confirm.
Hiding a page
There may be several reasons for hiding a page, but you will most often use hiding when preparing a new page.
- in the administration, go to the Pages tab,
- in the list, choose the page you want to hide and click it,
- click the gear icon, which appears in the upper left corner of the sidebar, right next to "Blocks" and "Sections".
- in the upper right corner of the settings, you will see a "Show" switcher,
- shown (the button is green), the page is available on its URL, Hidden (the button is gray), the URL is unavailable and after entering it you will see a 404 error message on your website.
- after making the changes, don't forget to save them and then publish them to the website using the "Publish" button.