A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a standardised web address format that allows users to identify and access online resources, such as web pages or files, from a server or cloud storage. A URL is a specific type of URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) that includes a network communication protocol (HTTP or HTTPS), a domain name and an extension - typically called a slug.
To illustrate, consider the URL structure: http://www.domena.cz/blog/nazev-clanku, where http is the network communication protocol, www.doman.cz is the domain name, and /blog/name-clank is the extension.
URLs help visitors and search engines understand the content of a web page. They are used in hyperlinks, allowing users to navigate between different pages on a website or to external websites, while improving search engine optimization (SEO) by facilitating more accurate indexing of pages.
In solidpixels, you can easily set up a custom domain for your site, change URLs and edit links to make them user-friendly and functional.